
Cryptocurrency Exchange

Advising a cryptocurrency exchange on the establishment of their business in the U.K. and the application of the Money Laundering Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 as amended (the Regulations) and the Financial Services and Markets Act (FSMA) and drafting an application for registration under the Regulations to the FCA

Obtained Temporary Restraining Order for Cryptocurrency Service Provider

Successfully obtained temporary restraining order in Delaware Chancery Court to secure cryptocurrency mining equipment valued at more than $4 million on behalf of large cryptocurrency service provider.

Representation in Series A Round for Blockchain Platform

Represented lead investors in Series A round in company building on a blockchain platform. This involved drafting various investor documents, including term sheets, stockholder purchase agreements, voting rights agreements, investors’ rights agreements, and indemnification agreements, as well as drafting board resolutions and amending certificates of incorporation and company bylaws.

Software License, SaaS Agreements for State-of-the-Art Technology for Banking Clients

Negotiated software license and SaaS agreements for multiple banking clients to obtain rights to license, access and use state-of-the-art financial services technology for each bank’s internal businesses and their customers, including electronic billing and payment, processing services, online banking, mobile banking, ACH, card application solutions, enterprise payments, and financial performance and risk management.

Patent Landscape Analysis for Fintech Client

Conducted patent landscape analyses and ideation sessions for a large fintech client in the area of authenticating online users.

Payment Authentication Patent Portfolio for Fintech Client

Developed patent portfolio for large fintech client in the area of payment authentication services. Multiple patent attorneys prepared and filed numerous patent applications directed to authenticating online users using client device metadata.

Representation in Putative Class Action Alleging RICO Violations

Represented corporate executives in putative class action cases across the country alleging violations of RICO statute in connection with fintech servicing relationships with banks and non-bank lenders.

Contact Us
  • Worldwide
  • Boston, MA
  • Chicago, IL
  • Denver, CO
  • Dublin, Ireland
  • Edwardsville, IL
  • Jefferson City, MO
  • Kansas City, MO
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • London, England
  • Miami, FL
  • New York, NY
  • Orange County, CA
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • St. Louis, MO
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Wilmington, DE
abstract image of world map
Boston, MA
800 Boylston St.
30th Floor
Boston, MA 02199
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Boston, Massachusetts
Chicago, IL
100 North Riverside Plaza
Suite 1500
Chicago, IL 60606-1520
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Chicago, Illinois
Denver, CO
4643 S. Ulster St.
Suite 800
Denver, CO 80237
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Denver, Colorado
Dublin, Ireland
Fitzwilliam Hall, Fitzwilliam Place
Dublin 2, Ireland
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Edwardsville, IL
115 N. Second St.
Edwardsville, IL 62025
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Edwardsville, Illinois
Jefferson City, MO
101 E. High St.
First Floor
Jefferson City, MO 65101
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Jefferson City, Missouri
Kansas City, MO
2345 Grand Blvd.
Suite 1500
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Kansas City, Missouri
Las Vegas, NV
7160 Rafael Rivera Way
Suite 320
Las Vegas, NV 89113
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Las Vegas, Nevada
London, England
Royal College of Surgeons of England
38-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
London, WC2A 3PE
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Miami, FL
355 Alhambra Circle
Suite 1200
Coral Gables, FL 33134
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Photo of Miami, Florida
New York, NY
7 Times Square, 44th Floor
New York, NY 10036
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New York City skyline
Orange County, CA
19800 MacArthur Boulevard
Suite 300
Irvine, CA 92612
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Philadelphia, PA
2005 Market Street
29th Floor, One Commerce Square
Philadelphia, PA 19103
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St. Louis, MO
7700 Forsyth Blvd.
Suite 1800
St. Louis, MO 63105
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St. Louis, Missouri
Washington, D.C.
1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20006
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Photo of Washington, D.C. with the Capitol in the foreground and Washington Monument in the background.
Wilmington, DE
1007 North Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
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Wilmington, Delaware