A Message from Armstrong Teasdale

March 16, 2020 Firm News

To our valued clients, business partners and friends:

These are extraordinary times. Each day brings new challenges which, only weeks ago, few could have foreseen, and for which even fewer were well prepared. Disruption and uncertainty have become commonplace, and many believe a return to normalcy is increasingly unlikely in the near term.

At Armstrong Teasdale, we have overcome challenges at the side of our clients for more than a century — a century that has stood witness to political crisis, natural disaster, numerous wars, untold tragedy and, yes, global pandemic. Always we have seen it through together, and always we have maintained our bond of mutual trust, collaboration and partnership to emerge stronger and better than before.

This will be no different. We have ensured the safety and well-being of our team, and we remain open for business, poised to guide you through the troubling days ahead and the challenges that are yet to unfold. Our team is ready to serve, whether from the office or working remotely. Our responsiveness and service will be seamless, and your interests will always be protected. Our long-held standards of excellent client service will not diminish, and our commitment to you and your business will never waver.

As we move forward, the health and safety of our employees, clients, visitors and the communities in which we live and work are, and will continue to be, our highest priority. Our decisions and actions during this rapidly evolving situation will continue to be driven by the well-being of those we employ and those we serve.

We are well positioned to face, together with you, the challenges ahead, and we stand ready to support you and your business as always — with the professionalism and excellence you have come to expect from the Armstrong Teasdale team.

Thank you,

David Braswell
Managing Partner

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Boston, MA 02199
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Chicago, IL 60606-1520
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Suite 800
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Dublin, Ireland
Fitzwilliam Hall, Fitzwilliam Place
Dublin 2, Ireland
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Edwardsville, IL
115 N. Second St.
Edwardsville, IL 62025
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Edwardsville, Illinois
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101 E. High St.
First Floor
Jefferson City, MO 65101
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Jefferson City, Missouri
Kansas City, MO
2345 Grand Blvd.
Suite 1500
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Kansas City, Missouri
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7160 Rafael Rivera Way
Suite 320
Las Vegas, NV 89113
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Las Vegas, Nevada
London, England
Royal College of Surgeons of England
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London, WC2A 3PE
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Miami, FL
355 Alhambra Circle
Suite 1200
Coral Gables, FL 33134
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Photo of Miami, Florida
New York, NY
7 Times Square, 44th Floor
New York, NY 10036
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New York City skyline
Orange County, CA
19800 MacArthur Boulevard
Suite 300
Irvine, CA 92612
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2005 Market Street
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Philadelphia, PA 19103
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7700 Forsyth Blvd.
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St. Louis, Missouri
Washington, D.C.
1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20006
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Photo of Washington, D.C. with the Capitol in the foreground and Washington Monument in the background.
Wilmington, DE
1007 North Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
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Wilmington, Delaware