AT/ACC St. Louis Chapter CLE - The Trouble with Trade and Tariffs: Successful Mitigation Strategies
7700 Forsyth Blvd., Suite 1800
St. Louis, MO 63105
U.S. importers, exporters and manufacturers are scrambling to mitigate the impact of the 10 to 25 percent additional tariffs the U.S. has levied on tens of billions of dollars’ worth of imported goods, including steel and aluminum from all global sources and hundreds of products from China. They’re also seeking to alleviate the retaliatory tariffs U.S. trading partners have begun to impose on U.S. exports.
Join Armstrong Teasdale Partners, Scott Galt and Jennifer Schwesig, as they share a number of effective strategies to avoid unanticipated costs and lower unintended duties that have been used for many years with great success.
This CLE session will also examine contractual tariff mitigation strategies (even outside of the imposition of additional tariffs) and touch on the implications of Brexit on a variety of tariffs.
*This program is for In-House Counsel only
Approved for 1.2 Missouri CLE Hours