ALA Recognizes COVID-19 Resource Center with IDEA Award

May 10, 2021 Firm News

The Association of Legal Administrators has recognized Armstrong Teasdale with a 2021 IDEA Award for the COVID-19 Resource Center. The awards are presented to ALA chapters, committees, regions, individuals, firms or organizations (including business partners) that create unique and innovative programs, services and events that improve ALA chapters and/or legal communities. The IDEA Awards recognize new practices that deliver great value and transformational impact through innovative achievement.

Armstrong Teasdale created the resource center in March 2020, as offices began closing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This repository provides clients and contacts with access to an authoritative resource on the rapidly changing information needed to run their businesses and navigate an uncertain environment. Since then, the online portal has become the hub for dozens of client advisories on topics ranging from paid leave requirements and the Paycheck Protection Program to OSHA guidance and more. Video replays of more than a dozen webinars can also be accessed at any time from the portal.

The Resource Center’s webinars have had over 3,000 registrants with an average attendance rate of 76%, well above the industry’s 51% average. Also outperforming industry averages were open rates for the firm’s email advisories.

The COVID-19 Resource Center previously received a Legal Innovation Award from Missouri Lawyers Media.

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