AT Government Strategies Launches New Website
AT Government Strategies LLC (ATGS) is a subsidiary of Armstrong Teasdale LLP. This public affairs, lobbying and consulting group provides full-service government relations and strategic counsel to advance the business objectives of companies, industry associations and other professional entities. ATGS does not provide legal services.
AT Government Strategies LLC (ATGS), a subsidiary of Armstrong Teasdale LLP (AT), proudly announces that it has launched a new website to better service client needs.
The site features a streamlined, accessible look and feel, expanded service pages, state and federal resources, and enhanced, user-friendly navigation. In addition, ATGS is launching their presence on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), which allows for real-time communications from governmental bodies to clients.
“We are very pleased to deliver this expanded level of access, communication and support for our clients,” said ATGS President and CEO Jon Dalton. “Our site now more fully reflects the sophistication and depth of our organization, and provides a better experience for clients and potential clients. We are committed to continuing our expanded service capacity in this manner, building on this platform with the addition of critical resources, strategic business opportunities and timely government affairs updates.”
Formally organized in 2016 after decades of experience, ATGS includes more than a dozen diverse and seasoned professionals across the U.S., including lawyers, who employ various legislative, regulatory and executive branch strategies at all levels of government in advancing clients’ interests. This ranges from the design and implementation of issue-specific advocacy campaigns to actively lobbying federal, state and local governmental entities on legislative and regulatory matters.