Breakfast CLE - By the Numbers: Tracking Valuation Assumptions in M&A Agreements
7700 Forsyth Blvd., Suite 1800
St. Louis, MO 63105
Buyers and sellers are critically focused on issues of valuation, but often these discussions pre-date involvement of legal counsel, and legal counsel may lack sufficient familiarity with valuation concepts and the financial accounting provisions underlying them to reflect the same accurately in the M&A agreement. This can lead to omitting key information or unduly focusing on information that doesn’t drive valuation. This presentation will discuss how to best ensure a productive dialogue between counsel, valuation specialists and accountants with a goal toward ensuring that the agreement covers what is necessary, without expending scarce negotiating capital on issues that don’t serve as value drivers.
Join Mark Stoneman as he address how key provisions in acquisition agreements are impacted by the foregoing and address key valuation issues that are commonly overlooked. The discussion will address these issues from the perspective of both buyers and sellers.
This program has been accredited for 1.2 Missouri Continuing Legal Education Credits. If you are interested in applying for credits in other jurisdictions, please note that you will receive a Certificate of Attendance after completing the program and an online evaluation.
Program also offered via live webinar to contacts outside of St. Louis. Log-in information will be circulated to registrants two days prior the program. |