$19.5 Million Verdict in Complex Business Fraud Case
Secured a $19.5 million verdict for a prominent Miami physician and part owner of a family drywall business in Colombia, in a two-week jury trial regarding attempts to deprive the client of his 33.33% interest in the business.
Obtained Change of Scope in Anti-Dumping Investigation
Successfully obtained from petitioner consent to change in the scope of an anti-dumping/countervailing duty investigation by the U.S. government into certain steel racks being imported from China and allegedly sold in the U.S. market at less than fair value.
Trade Compliance Audits for Global Agricultural Company
Regularly conduct U.S. trade compliance audits/reviews of company's international locations in which we examine overall organizational structure, U.S. export and import controls and supply chain security.
Multimillion-Dollar Deal in Client’s First International Expansion
Represented a client that heat treats metal parts for general manufacturers, including those in the automotive and aircraft industries, in its first international expansion. The deal included providing assistance with a long term supply arrangement with an European equipment manufacturer as well as a long-term facility lease and construction agreements; retaining local counsel in Mexico; setting up foreign subsidiaries and adding a new U.S. subsidiary; as well as handling associated intellectual property, real estate and tax issues.
Trade Compliance Audits for Manufacturing Conglomerate
Regularly visited global sites of publicly traded manufacturing conglomerate to conduct trade compliance audits of its operations. These audits included a review of the corporation’s general compliance structure, import compliance, export compliance and supply chain security.