BTI Names Armstrong Teasdale to 2023 Client Service A-Team

April 6, 2023 Firm News

Armstrong Teasdale has been named to the 2023 BTI Client Service A-Team, marking the 12th year the firm has been recognized by BTI Consulting Group.

Leading corporate counsel named the firm a standout in five of the 17 activities clients value most, consider most important, and have the most influence on hiring and rate decisions in driving superior client relationships

BTI determined the ranking based on research with more than 17,000 buyers of professional services, isolating the 17 activities essential to delivering superior client service and driving the best professional relationships. Corporate counsel then assessed each activity on two dimensions — importance and differentiation — to identify the activities most influential when evaluating legal providers.

Information was obtained through more than 350 in-depth interviews with top legal decision makers at large organizations with $1 billion or more in revenue across 17 industry segments, who singled out 241 law firms by name for driving superior client relationships.

For more information on their methodology, visit the BTI Consulting website.

Learn more about Armstrong Teasdale’s commitment to client service on our Client CultivATion page.

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