Hawk Elected President of Missouri Society of Governmental Consultants

September 14, 2017 Press Releases

AT Government Strategies LLC (ATGS) is a subsidiary of Armstrong Teasdale LLP. This public affairs, lobbying and consulting group provides full-service government relations and strategic counsel to advance the business objectives of companies, industry associations and other professional entities. ATGS does not provide legal services.

AT Government Strategies, a subsidiary of Armstrong Teasdale LLP, proudly announces that director of legislative affairs Shanon M. Hawk has been elected president of the Missouri Society of Governmental Consultants (MSGC). Hawk has been actively involved with the society for more than 10 years and served as vice president in 2016-2017.

MSGC is designed to assist registered lobbyists on a united front in monitoring important ethics and lobby regulations, actions by the Missouri Ethics Commission and to provide ethics compliance training.

Hawk has worked in the legal profession for over 30 years, with the past 23 years concentrating heavily on government affairs. Focused on advancing her clients’ interests, Hawk monitors legislative and regulatory issues of concern, and directly lobbies public officials and policymakers at the state and local levels. She also maintains daily contact with members of the Missouri General Assembly, as well as statewide elected officials and many regulatory agencies.

Having worked on campaigns at both the state and local levels, Hawk also has substantial experience in the development and administration of various interest groups, trade associations and grassroots organizations.

Hawk is a frequent speaker on legislative advocacy and educates industry and trade groups on the importance of advocating on the issues that are critical to their business. She is based in Jefferson City.

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