Thought Leadership

October 2004 Publications
Inactivation of the mycobacterial rhamnosyltransferase, which is needed for the formation of the arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan linker, leads to irreversible loss of viability.
J Biol Chem.
January 2003 Publications
Drug targeting Mycobacterium tuberculosis cell wall synthesis: development of a microtiter plate-based screen for UDP-galactopyranose mutase and identification of an inhibitor from a uridine-based library.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother.
May 2001 Publications
Drug targeting Mycobacterium tuberculosis cell wall synthesis: genetics of dTDP-rhamnose synthetic enzymes and development of a microtiter plate-based screen for inhibitors of conversion of dTDP-glucose to dTDP-rhamnose.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother.
October 2000 Publications
Biosynthesis of the galactan component of the mycobacterial cell wall.
J Biol Chem
September 1999 Publications
Construction and use of low-copy number T7 expression vectors for purification of problem proteins: purification of mycobacterium tuberculosis RmlD and pseudomonas aeruginosa LasI and RhlI proteins, and functional analysis of purified RhlI.
March 1999 Publications
Conversion of dTDP-4-keto-6-deoxyglucose to free dTDP-4-keto-rhamnose by the rmIC gene products of Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
1997 Publications
Biosynthetic origin of mycobacterial cell wall galactofuranosyl residues.
Tuber Lung Dis.
June 1997 Publications
Attenuation of B5R mutants of rabbitpox virus in vivo is related to impaired growth and not an enhanced host inflammatory response.
September 1993 Publications
The ps/hr gene (B5R open reading frame homolog) of rabbitpox virus controls pock color, is a component of extracellular enveloped virus, and is secreted into the medium.
J of Virology
May 1993 Publications
A revised HindIII map and sequence analysis of a large 'left-hand' non-essential region of the rabbit poxvirus genome.
Virus Research
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