Thought Leadership

Attorneys Write Series on Life Insurance Clauses for DRI Newsletter

DRI Newsletter
January 5, 2017 Publications

Attorneys in Armstrong Teasdale’s St. Louis, Kansas City and Las Vegas offices recently co-authored a series of articles on suicide exclusion clauses in life insurance policies for the Life, Health and Disability newsletter of the Defense Research Institute (DRI). DRI is a national organization of defense attorneys and in-house counsel.

Suicide exclusions are widely recognized clauses in life insurance policies that specify if the insured commits suicide within a specified period of time, the insurer is not obligated to pay any benefits. St. Louis Litigation attorneys Jon Shulan and Patrick Kenny authored an article on suicide exclusion clauses in Illinois; Kansas City attorneys Kevin Prewitt, Kathryn Bascom and Wil Tomlinson authored an article on such clauses in Kansas; Wil also wrote an article covering Missouri’s treatment of the clauses; and Las Vegas Litigation associate Michelle Alarie authored an article with Patrick on Nevada’s treatment of the clauses.

The articles appeared in the Life, Health and Disability Committee’s Dec. 22 newsletter. For more information on the committee, click here.

For questions, please contact one of our Insurance Coverage Litigation attorneys.

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