
Advised on Patent Matters Related to Automotive Technologies

Advised in-house counsel on patent-related matters, including noninfringement and invalidity analyses of competitor patents. Prepared and prosecuted patent applications directed to variety of automotive technologies including automotive manufacturing, infotainment systems, electric vehicle (EV) charge controllers, audio systems, suspension systems and other mechanical systems.

Counsel for Agricultural Company in Federal Court and USPTO Disputes

Served as counsel for leading manufacturer of precision agricultural application systems in concurrent disputes in federal court and at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Developed, Executed Patent Filing Strategy Central to Multimillion-Dollar Acquisition for Client

Developed and executed patent filing strategy resulting in patent family that was central to multimillion-dollar acquisition by large, publicly traded fluidics systems and specialty engineered products company.

Domestic and Foreign Patent Strategy and Portfolio Management for Agricultural Equipment Company

Developed and executed domestic and foreign patent filing strategy and management of patent portfolio related to precision agricultural equipment, including the development of offensive and defensive patent filing strategies.

Patent Infringement, Invalidity Analysis Relating to Display Screen Technology

Managed patent infringement and invalidity analysis for a client in the area of display screen technology. This involved numerous design patents covering various types of display screens.

Protection of Global Footwear Company’s Intellectual Property

Represented a global company in the footwear industry regarding the maintenance of its intellectual property portfolio and the protection of its brand.

Contact Us
  • Worldwide
  • Chicago, IL
  • Denver, CO
  • Edwardsville, IL
  • Jefferson City, MO
  • Kansas City, MO
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • Miami, FL
  • New York, NY
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • St. Louis, MO
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Wilmington, DE
abstract image of world map
Chicago, IL
100 North Riverside Plaza
Suite 1500
Chicago, IL 60606-1520
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Chicago, Illinois
Denver, CO
4643 S. Ulster St.
Suite 800
Denver, CO 80237
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Denver, Colorado
Edwardsville, IL
115 N. Second St.
Edwardsville, IL 62025
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Edwardsville, Illinois
Jefferson City, MO
101 E. High St.
First Floor
Jefferson City, MO 65101
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Jefferson City, Missouri
Kansas City, MO
2345 Grand Blvd.
Suite 1500
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Kansas City, Missouri
Las Vegas, NV
7160 Rafael Rivera Way
Suite 320
Las Vegas, NV 89113
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Las Vegas, Nevada
Miami, FL
355 Alhambra Circle
Suite 1200
Coral Gables, FL 33134
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Photo of Miami, Florida
New York, NY
7 Times Square, 44th Floor
New York, NY 10036
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New York City skyline
Philadelphia, PA
2005 Market Street
29th Floor, One Commerce Square
Philadelphia, PA 19103
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St. Louis, MO
7700 Forsyth Blvd.
Suite 1800
St. Louis, MO 63105
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St. Louis, Missouri
Washington, D.C.
1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20006
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Photo of Washington, D.C. with the Capitol in the foreground and Washington Monument in the background.
Wilmington, DE
1007 North Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
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Wilmington, Delaware