How we can assist you post Brexit to establish your business in the U.K.
As we all know by now, the UK has left the EU and it has moved into a transitionary period (TP) until the end of 2020 (unless the TP is extended by a decision of the joint UK-EU committee although the UK Government has committed to not extending it).
During the TP, most EU law continues to apply in and to the UK and therefore the practical impact of “exit day” for most businesses is probably minimal and the real implications of Brexit will not become apparent until the end of the TP.
This means that for the moment, the free movement of goods, people and capital will continue to apply between the UK and the EU. It is however unknown whether there will be any restrictions on EU companies setting up establishments in the UK post the TP.
Our recommendation to businesses is that they should use the TP to undertake a review of their current business requirements and future plans and to implement any possible business structures that may be required in the UK to avoid any disruption after the TP.
Kerman & Co has a great deal of experience assisting businesses who wish to establish a presence in the UK. We can assist in particular with the following:
- Incorporation of companies or the registration of branches.
- Provision of registered office and directors’ service addresses.
- Ongoing company law compliance such as the maintenance of statutory books and the filing of Companies House forms.
- Advising on issues around the recruitment of senior and junior staff (to include the drafting of employment contracts, service agreements and employee policy documentation).
- Advising on immigration issues concerning the movement of EU employees into the UK.
- Advising on the protection of brands and ideas (to include trademark and other intellectual property registrations).
- Drafting terms and conditions, website policy documents (privacy, cookies, terms of use etc.) and data protection polices.
- Entering into commercial leases or acquiring real estate.
Please do get in contact with us if you would like to discuss this area further.
Originally published at prior to the firm’s combination with Armstrong Teasdale in early 2021.