Thought Leadership

2018 Publications
Silicon Photonic Microring Resonator Arrays for Mass Concentration Detection of Polymers in Isocratic Separations
Analytical Chemistry
July 2017 Publications
Mechanistic studies of H2 production from H2O using a low power Al/Al2O3 microplasma chip reactor
XXXIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases
May 2017 Publications
H2 Production from H2O Using a Low Power Al/Al2O3 Microplasma Chip Reactor
The 44th International Conference on Plasma Science
2017 Publications
Multiplexed silicon photonic sensor arrays enable facile characterization of coagulation protein binding to Nanodiscs with variable lipid content
J. Biol Chem.
2016 Publications
Wearing my disability with pride
October 2015 Publications
Characterization of a Microring Resonator Refractive Index Detector for Applications in Liquid Chromatography
International Symposium on GPC/SEC and Related Techniques
August 2012 Publications
A kinetic bleaching model for development of new organic acids used in fabric and home care products
P&G Intern Presentations
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Photo of Washington, D.C. with the Capitol in the foreground and Washington Monument in the background.
Wilmington, DE
1007 North Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
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Wilmington, Delaware