Armstrong Teasdale has extensive experience in toxic tort litigation, particularly when it comes to asbestos.
The firm has been involved in asbestos litigation for three decades and has defended more than 50 manufacturers, distributors, contractors, and premises owners. This representation ranges from property damage cases centering around entire school systems in St. Louis and Kansas City, Missouri, to serving as national trial counsel for major insulation manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, and others resulting in the handling and trial of multiple cases throughout the United States.
Armstrong Teasdale has a national reputation as go-to counsel for mass tort litigation. Our deep experience enables us to regularly resolve cases on a national level. We assist several clients with developing and initiating national litigation strategies, discovery coordination, expert retention and motion practice, while striving for cost-effective and predictable resolutions. Our clients have the benefit of a streamlined system that allows for fees to be split among them for depositions and court appearances, as well as a window into national and local strategies to surmise what type of strategy will benefit each individual client.
Members of Armstrong Teasdale's Asbestos team manage thousands of cases in traditionally challenging jurisdictions such as Cook, McLean, St. Clair and Madison County, Illinois; and St. Louis City and Jackson County, Missouri. Armstrong Teasdale’s distinguished trial team includes a fellow of the prestigious American College of Trial Lawyers, a former Madison County Judge, a former Franklin County Judge, a former Missouri Supreme Court Judge, registered nurses, former prosecutors, federal clerks, a mechanical engineer who worked in a major electrical utility, a retired naval officer, and a former union laborer.
When it comes to asbestos, our team has more than 200 years of combined experience. We currently manage in excess of 15,000 cases throughout Missouri and Illinois with a focus on Southern Illinois and St. Louis, Missouri. Members of the firm's Asbestos practice have tried, managed and disposed of more than 100,000 cases in our 30 years handling these matters. With decades of experience in asbestos litigation, as well as other toxic torts such as talc, PCBs, benzene and lead, our lawyers develop and execute strategies that provide our clients the best possible outcome in what can often be bet-the-company, multimillion-dollar litigation.