Advised Defense Contractor in U.S. Government Inquiry
Successfully advised a defense contractor in connection with a U.S. Government inquiry, pre-award.
Information Sharing Agreement for Criminal Justice Council
Coordinated with a multi-agency Criminal Justice Coordinating Council to draft an information-sharing agreement. Regulatory limitations on sharing certain types of protected data were balanced with the agencies' need to facilitate a free flow of information in the interest of public health and safety.
Defeated Bid Protest of $320 Million Contract Award
Successfully defeated bid protest of a national intelligence agency contract award worth more than $320 million over 10 years. When an unsuccessful bidder brought a U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) protest against our client’s receipt of a valuable government contract, we rapidly delivered persuasive and detailed arguments and evidence to the SBA, defeating the protest completely.
Mitigation of FOCI Concerns for Facility Clearance Eligible Companies
Successfully mitigated Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) concerns for facility clearance eligible companies related to Sweden, Germany, Canada, Japan, Norway, Finland, India, Slovakia and the United Kingdom.
Representation for Client in Billing, False Claims Allegations
Represented a major defense contractor in an investigation by the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Defense Criminal Investigative Service into allegations of improper billing and false claims. The matter was abandoned by the government after an extensive investigation. Presented significant, compelling evidence to demonstrate that the defense contractor had acted properly given the urgent need for the product by our warfighters.
Successfully Represented Inventors of Night-Vision Goggles
Served as lead counsel in the successful representation of the inventors of night-vision goggles, which the U.S. Air Force hailed as a revolutionary piece of military equipment. The goggles provided pilots with more than double the field of vision of the old systems, while also enhancing safety. According to the complaint, the Air Force was on the verge of awarding the inventors a contract to produce thousands of goggles when a subcontractor misappropriated the technology and ultimately wrested the contract away from the inventors. A very favorable settlement was reached the night before a jury trial was to begin in federal court in Virginia.