
Borrower’s Counsel on $46 Million Real Estate Loan

Served as borrower's counsel on a $46 million real estate loan secured by a 312-unit multifamily residential development.

$55 Million Sale of Advertising Company

$55 million sale of advertising company to public company. The asset sale transaction involved the sale of rights in over 400 locations in four states, the transfer of over 1,000 advertising contracts, and the sale of two commercial buildings. The team helped the client navigate various corporate governance issues and achieve its goal of selling the business.

Acquisition of Construction Contracting Business

Assisted client in the acquisition of a construction contracting business to allow for geographic expansion.

Defended Company Performing Cleanup at Superfund Site

Defended company who performed $28 million environmental cleanup of PCBs, asbestos and TCE at Superfund site, formerly used for automotive manufacturing, under Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent. The site is located in a residential area and will be transformed into a recreational facility.

$111 Million Construction Industry Acquisition

Represented acquired persons in a $111 million acquisition in the construction industry involving industrial building, pipelines, and power and communication lines.

Construction Contracts for $10 Million Missouri High School

Represented a large general contractor in the preparation and negotiation of all construction contracts and disbursing documents related to the construction of a high school in Missouri.

Construction Contracts for Pool Company in Significant Apartment Development

Represented a pool installation company with respect to the preparation and negotiation of construction contracts for pools and outdoor water features for an apartment complex in a major metropolitan development.

Construction Contracts for Specialty Subcontractor in Retail Store Development

Handled the preparation and negotiation of construction contracts for a specialty subcontractor working for a sporting apparel retailer in Illinois, valued at half a million dollars.

Contract Negotiations for Multimillion-Dollar Hospital Development

Represented a large general contractor in the preparation and negotiation of AIA contract documents for a multimillion-dollar hospital development in Illinois.

Design and Construction Contracts for National Theme Park Owner

Handled all design and construction contracts for a national theme park owner for all construction projects, including various attractions and water features exceeding $10 million in value.

Managed Construction Defects Dispute for Assisted Living Center

Represented a large general contractor in a dispute with the owner and multiple levels of subcontractors concerning subcontractor construction defects in an assisted living center in Georgia.

Managed Dispute for General Contractor in Multimillion-Dollar State Project

Represented a general contractor in a multimillion-dollar dispute with a subcontractor and materials supplier concerning a project for the state of Illinois.

Representation in Various Insurance Coverage Issues

Represented homeowners associations, developers and real estate property managers on various insurance coverage issues, including D&O policies, property damage, construction disputes and commercial liability.

Representation of Class A Office Building Portfolio Owner

Represented owner of portfolio of Class A office buildings throughout St. Louis region.

Representation of National Developer in 30-Story Residential Tower, Commercial Construction

Represented a national developer in connection with the land assemblage, zoning, permitting and development agreement for the construction of a 30-story residential tower plus approximately 10,000 sq. ft. of ground floor commercial space in St. Louis County, Missouri.

Representation of Owner of Largest Multi-Tenant Office Building in Missouri

Represented the owner of the largest multi-tenant office building (over 1 million sq. ft.) in the state of Missouri, on all leasing and other property management issues.

Representation of Regional Property Owner on Over 90 Properties in 13 States

Represented a regional property owner with over 60 affiliated companies on matters regarding the leasing and/or property management work for over 90 properties in 13 states.

Represented General Contractor in $5 Million Multi-Party Litigation

Represented a large general contractor in ongoing multi-party litigation involving construction defects exceeding $5 million.

Represented Property Owner in $25 Million Development of Manufacturing Facility

Represented property owners in the preparation and negotiation of construction and architectural agreements for a specialty manufacturing facility exceeding $25 million.

Represented Property Owner in $350 Million Development

Represented property owners in the preparation and negotiation of all construction and architectural agreements for a project exceeding $350 million, and counseled property owners concerning contractor delay and performance issues throughout the project.

Represented Property Owner in $80 Million Development in California

Represented property owners in the preparation and negotiation of design and construction contracts for a building in California exceeding $80 million.

Trial and Appellate Representation of National Home Builder in Contract, Environmental Disputes

Represented a national home builder in contract and environmental disputes at both trial and appellate levels.

Representation of National Developers in Significant Joint Venture

Represented two national developers in a joint venture project in Clayton, Missouri, to secure the zoning, permitting and governmental incentives for the construction of a mixed-use project of approximately 300 apartments and over 40,000 sq. ft. of commercial space.

National Counsel for Commercial Real Estate Company

Served as national counsel, monitored litigation progress, and hired local counsel for commercial real estate company with lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions.

Defeated Actions Against $72 Million Apartment Development in Missouri

Defeated actions for a declaratory judgment and a writ of mandamus that permitted the construction of a $72 million residential apartment tower in Clayton, Missouri, that was upheld by the Missouri Court of Appeals for the Eastern District.

Successful Defense of Real Estate Developer at Federal Jury Trial and on Appeal

Represented real estate developer in several mechanic’s lien suits and federal jury trial alleging breach of contract and violation of Illinois statutes concerning securities, consumer fraud, and condominiums. Obtained early dismissal of securities claim and part of a team that secured jury and bench trial verdicts entirely in client’s favor. Successfully defended challenged rulings on appeal to the Seventh Circuit.

Redevelopment of Blighted Industrial Area

A blighted industrial area of St. Louis, strategically located near several major institutions, required assistance to redevelop. We structured and gained approvals for a complex, multi-phase redevelopment project supported in part by tax increment financing. Roughly five years in, over $600 million has been invested in construction, creating 5,000 jobs and completely transforming a 167-acre area.

Citations Vacated for Client in Fatality Involving Construction Crane

Defended company in an OSHA evidentiary hearing involving a fatality on a crane.  At the conclusion of the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge vacated all citations.

Positive Result for Multiple LLCs in Construction Defect Litigation

Obtained a positive result for a number of independent LLCs within a business center in complex commercial litigation claiming a variety of construction defects.

Summary Judgment for General Contractor in $8 Million Breach of Contract, Negligence Case

Obtained summary judgment on behalf of general contractor regarding real estate developer’s claims of breach of contract and negligence seeking damages in excess of $8 million dollars with respect to alleged construction defects.

Contact Us
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  • Chicago, IL
  • Denver, CO
  • Edwardsville, IL
  • Jefferson City, MO
  • Kansas City, MO
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • Miami, FL
  • New York, NY
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • St. Louis, MO
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Wilmington, DE
abstract image of world map
Chicago, IL
100 North Riverside Plaza
Suite 1500
Chicago, IL 60606-1520
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Chicago, Illinois
Denver, CO
4643 S. Ulster St.
Suite 800
Denver, CO 80237
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Denver, Colorado
Edwardsville, IL
115 N. Second St.
Edwardsville, IL 62025
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Edwardsville, Illinois
Jefferson City, MO
101 E. High St.
First Floor
Jefferson City, MO 65101
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Jefferson City, Missouri
Kansas City, MO
2345 Grand Blvd.
Suite 1500
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Kansas City, Missouri
Las Vegas, NV
7160 Rafael Rivera Way
Suite 320
Las Vegas, NV 89113
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Las Vegas, Nevada
Miami, FL
355 Alhambra Circle
Suite 1200
Coral Gables, FL 33134
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Photo of Miami, Florida
New York, NY
7 Times Square, 44th Floor
New York, NY 10036
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New York City skyline
Philadelphia, PA
2005 Market Street
29th Floor, One Commerce Square
Philadelphia, PA 19103
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St. Louis, MO
7700 Forsyth Blvd.
Suite 1800
St. Louis, MO 63105
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St. Louis, Missouri
Washington, D.C.
1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20006
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Photo of Washington, D.C. with the Capitol in the foreground and Washington Monument in the background.
Wilmington, DE
1007 North Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
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Wilmington, Delaware