
Dismissal with Prejudice of Claims Against School Board Chair

On our motion, we secured a dismissal with prejudice for the board chair of a private school on claims of consumer fraud and infliction of emotional distress. The multi-party suit arose out of alleged acts and omissions at the school related to claimed cyberbullying and a former student’s tragic death by suicide.

Successfully Defended University, Individual Against Missouri Human Right Act Claims

Secured a full defense verdict for a university and individual on multiple claims alleging violations of the Missouri Human Rights Act. After a one-week trial in the City of St. Louis Circuit Court, the jury returned verdicts in favor of our client on all counts.

M&A Counsel to Private Liberal Arts College

Represented a private liberal arts college in the acquisition of a fine arts museum and its collections valued in excess of $100 million.

Patent Portfolio Strategy for University Covering Science, Engineering and Medical Fields

Developed and executed patent filing strategy and managed diverse patent portfolio for a large university client. Technologies span various subject areas including science, engineering and medical fields.

Patent Portfolio Strategy for University Covering Pharmaceuticals, Life Sciences and Medical Fields

Developed and executed patent filing strategy and managed diverse patent portfolio for a large university client. Technologies span various subject areas including pharmaceuticals, life sciences and medical fields.

Investigated, Counseled and Presented on Topics Related to Title IX

Conducted investigations concerning alleged violations of Title IX. Assisted in drafting, revising and advising on Title IX policies, and presented trainings to prepare higher education staff to conduct Title IX investigations.

Summary Judgment for Higher Education Client on MHRA Claims

Obtained summary judgment for a higher education client on Missouri Human Rights Act (MHRA) claims in state court where the claims were based on gender and race discrimination, sexual harassment, hostile work environment and retaliation.

Summary Judgment in Employment Discrimination Case

Secured summary judgment in the Circuit Court of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, for a university client in a heavily contested employment discrimination case. A former university coach claimed she was discriminated against based on gender stereotyping and implicit bias. Following numerous depositions and testimony from expert witnesses on both sides, the Court granted summary judgment for the university on all counts.

Dismissal of Negligence Claims Against School Officials

Obtained dismissal of negligence claims against public school officials in the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Missouri. The plaintiff alleged wrongful death from a shooting in the parking lot of a public building during a public event. We demonstrated that official immunity barred the claims.

Defense Verdict for Public Entity in Vendor Contract Dispute

We obtained a full defense verdict in a jury trial in Jackson County, Missouri, on behalf of a public entity regarding a contract dispute with a vendor. The plaintiff alleged representations from the public entity's leadership induced performance in support of a claim for breach of warranty ex contractu. The jury agreed with our defense that the representations did not happen and that the plaintiff did not prove damages.

Successfully Defended College in Discrimination Case Before the EEOC

Successfully defended EEOC charges alleging race and gender discrimination on behalf of private liberal arts college. 

Counsel on Early Retirement Offers for Professors, Staff

Counseled private liberal arts college regarding early retirement offers for professors and staff.

Ongoing Title IX Counsel for Liberal Arts College

Provided ongoing counsel to liberal arts college in Title IX investigations and issues.

Trial Counsel in $240 Million Suit for College Brought By Colorado Attorney General

Lead defense counsel representing private college in a four-week trial in which the Colorado Attorney General sought asserted consumer protection and lending claims, seeking $240 million in damages. The $3 million damage award was later reversed and remanded by the Court of Appeals.

Dismissal of Wrongful Termination Suit for University

Obtained dismissal of lawsuit brought in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri by the former employee of a university, who claimed wrongful termination in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Missouri Human Rights Act.

Structured Multimillion-Dollar, Multi-Year Sponsored Research Program and Joint Venture for Health Care Client

Structured a multimillion-dollar, multi-year sponsored research program and related joint venture between a health care client and a leading research university. Structured budgeting and oversight mechanisms for research funding; structured LLC joint venture (JV) entity and related governance matters; completed licensing agreements and conducted analysis related to JV intellectual property ownership; all enabling future commercialization of intellectual property developed from funded research.

Contract Review for Liberal Arts College

Reviewed vendor contracts for private liberal arts college, including food service agreements, cable television agreements, campus maintenance agreements and telephone systems agreements.

Filed University's First Ever Patent Applications

Filed the first ever patent applications for a university client. Worked with the university to create and implement internal intellectual property procedures for the client.

Pharmaceutical Patent Portfolio for University

Managed pharmaceutical patent portfolio that includes filings in over 16 different countries. Worked with university and licensee on achieving patent protection worldwide.

Patent Preparation and Prosecution for Leading-Edge Technologies

Prepared and prosecuted patent applications on leading-edge technologies developed by research institutes, including medical instruments and imaging methodologies for treating and detecting diseases.

GDPR Compliance Program for University

Helped facilitate the design and implementation of all facets of international university’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) program.

Restructuring, Reclassifying Endowment Funds for Liberal Arts College

Counseled private liberal arts college regarding restructuring and reclassifying endowment funds.

Restructuring of Multi-State, For-Profit College

Served as counsel to a multi-state, for-profit college in its restructuring and ultimate closure.

Bond Issuance for Liberal Arts College

Served as counsel in bond issuance for liberal arts college to build additional student housing.

Defeat of 21 Injunctions Against Private University After 5 Day Evidentiary Hearing

Defeated a request by the Colorado Attorney General for 21 separate injunctions sought against a private university. After a five-day preliminary injunction proceeding, the court rejected each of the state’s requests finding they had no reasonable likelihood of success on the merits and that the Colorado AG appeared “biased” against private colleges.

Bylaw Amendments for Private University Relating to Governance Restructuring

Drafted extensive bylaw amendments for a private university regarding fundamental governance restructuring.

Resolved Significant Regulatory Issue After Entity Invalidated by DSS

Resolved a significant regulatory issue for a large publicly traded company after the newly acquired entity was invalidated by the U.S. Government (Defense Security Service). 

Favorable Ruling for University Granting 11th Amendment Immunity

Obtained favorable ruling in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri granting employer 11th Amendment immunity from future litigations.

Dismissal of Fraud, MMPA Case Against College Owner

Secured dismissal of a case against the owner of a career training college after the college closed abruptly. The plaintiffs filed suit for fraud and violations of the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act alleging the college and its advertisements knowingly made false representations of student outcomes. After obtaining depositions from the two plaintiffs where they admitted they had no contact with the client, we also obtained sworn affidavits from former employees saying the client had no part in the day-to-day operations of the college or the drafting of its advertisements. The plaintiffs were unable to find witnesses to say otherwise and voluntarily dismissed the case.

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355 Alhambra Circle
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2005 Market Street
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Philadelphia, PA 19103
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Suite 1800
St. Louis, MO 63105
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St. Louis, Missouri
Washington, D.C.
1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20006
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Wilmington, DE
1007 North Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
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Wilmington, Delaware